Meet Alex Cathcart

Photo Credit: student spotlight - Alex Cathcart
Tue, 04/12/2022 - 13:16

Majors: Mathematics 

Hometown: Northridge, California

Alex Cathcart was chosen as one of the #NebraskaHonors Senior Spotlights this week. As an out of state student, Alex especially enjoyed the connections he formed through the Honors Program:

“I am so grateful for the sense of community the Honors Program gave me. Not only did it make the transition to college much easier, but it also introduced me to many incredible people, whose friendship I cherish to this day.”

While Alex had multiple opportunities through Honors, one of the most unique was his senior project, which sits at the intersection of several of his interests:

“My Honors Senior Project allowed me to fuse two of my passions (mathematics and sports) to develop a new statistic aimed at predicting the outcome of hockey games. While this project challenged me intellectually, it was so fulfilling to find my statistic hit at a 90% success rate. This project has given me the confidence to use my education in creative ways to continue making original discoveries.”

After graduation, Alex will move back to California to start working for Deloitte Consuulting as an Application and Program Analyst.