Meet Delainie Johnson

Photo Credit: Student Spotlight Delainie Johnson
Thu, 02/03/2022 - 16:56

Majors: sociology, women's and gender studies
Hometown: Blair, Nebraska

Delainie has gained valuable research experience through the university's Undergraduate Sociology Teaching and Research (USTARS) program. She works alongside faculty and graduate students pursuing real-world research studies.

Before finding her path in sociology, Delainie wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do. But in the span of a few short years, she found her passion. After changing her major to sociology, she then added a double major in women's and gender studies and minors in English, psychology and LGBTQ/sexuality studies. Then she found USTARs, which provided further confirmation that she was on the right path.

Through USTARs Delainie has been able to see all sides of research — from collecting and organizing data, to coordinating with Institutional Review Boards, to reading and transcribing study interviews.

"It's been super helpful for showing me what it's actually like doing research," Delainie said.

With her USTARs experience under her belt, Delainie feels ready to tackle her capstone research project and find the perfect post-grad path.

"It's just given me tons of opportunities," she said. "Obviously, there are other ways you can go in the sociology field, but research is such a big part of it. It's really interesting for me to be able to see this whole side and all the aspects of it."

Along with finding her future career field, Delainie has also found a community she can lean on as she prepares for life after UNL.

"I've definitely broadened my horizon on potential jobs in the future, so that's been incredible," she said. "As well as making good connections with the people who run these programs — that's been excellent for me as contains the perfect resource. If I have any questions, there's someone I can always go to."