Meet Grace Reiman

Photo Credit: Grace Reiman
Wed, 10/11/2023 - 11:06

Major: English

Minors: Law and Business
Hometown: Hastings, Nebraska

Year: Senior

Why did you select your major and minors? Were there any events or people that convinced you to declare?
I declared English as my major in the fall of my junior year. I began college as a Biology major, intending to pursue a nursing career, but I quickly realized that my passions and strengths aligned more with a language oriented major. Not intensely interested in education, but intimidated by today's stigma of the English Degree, I added Education as a safety net. As I pursued job experiences, I began to realize that the exodus of the English major can be combated through dedication to increasing your expertise, skillset, and awareness of both the needs of the job market and the value that a degree in English offers. After switching to English my junior year, I felt that for the first time, my classes aligned with my interests, passions, and were building the skills I needed for post graduation opportunities. Another advantage of declaring English as my major, was the ability to add a Law and Business minor. The four classes required for this minor offer incredible exposure to the legal and business world.

What is your favorite course you have taken from your program and why?
My favorite course that I've taken was BLAW 378: Legislation and Regulation. I took this last spring with Professor Langvardt. This course introduced me to legislation, the structure of the U.S. government, sources of policy, and factors that influence policy and related regulations. This was my first BLAW class and ironically it was intended to be the final class in the series of the four required for the minor. I had to work extremely hard, but it was very rewarding. My favorite aspect of the class was the examination of ambiguous statutory language. The fact that most of our grades came from papers was a big plus for me as an English major!

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
As a transfer student, I've only been at UNL for three semesters, so in that short time, I wouldn't say that there has been a singular person but rather a network of people that I feel comfortable reaching out to and asking for help. As a transfer student, I have always felt welcomed, encouraged, and invited by all of my teachers. Katie Henson was my Intro to English Studies professor and she was a really big supporter during my first semester here.

Her classroom was a safe space for me to express my creativity and to become comfortable in the UNL class environments. All of my BLAW teachers have been brilliant and incredibly accessible for any questions or concerns, Additionally, my advisor, Dr. Lacey has been an amazing help to me and has made it possible to navigate all my major changes and still graduate on time.

I feel grateful for the framework of support and role models that UNL offers.

Have you had an internship or job?
I've had three jobs through the university and have loved every single one. I joined the Daily Nebraskan during the fall of my junior year. It was the first time that I had the autonomy and opportunity to choose a topic of my choice and have it accessible to such a large readership. As the only official student newspaper for a student body of ~25,000, the DN offers great experience and exposure for those interested in a career in journalism and writing. Currently, I work as the first student writer for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. This has been an incredible opportunity for me in many different ways. Coming from a small town, I haven't always been exposed or educated in how to engage with inclusive excellence or how to elevate accessibility and belonging. This increased awareness will be brought with me no matter where I go, whether it's a legal career in advocating for marginalized peoples or a career in marketing that is targeting inclusivity through my campaigns. Most recently, I have joined the College of Arts and Sciences' Marketing and Communications team! It has been a wonderful experience to interact with the other student workers and to gain such valuable experiences. I love the ability to learn experientially and to help other students become more aware and engaged in all the opportunities that CAS offers through internships, research, service engagement, and global experiences.

What are you involved in on campus or in the community?
I have been involved with both the Daily Nebraskan as an opinion columnist and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska (ASUN) as a Senator. However, my senior year is focused on law applications, classes, and my internships with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am applying to law schools this fall, and during the wait, will continue to gain experiences in the world of marketing and communications. I can truly see myself in both the legal and marketing sphere. I'm grateful to have two different strong areas of passion and for the opportunity of choice.