Meet Harper Anderson

Photo Credit: Harper Anderson
Mon, 07/01/2019 - 00:00

Major(s): Women's and gender studies
Minor(s): Sociology
Hometown: Lincoln, NE

Major(s): Women's and Gender Studies

Minor(s): Sociology

Hometown: Lincoln, NE

Why did you select your majors? 
I selected my major in Women's and Gender Studies and switched my major in Sociology to my minor after taking the class WMNS 200, "Women in Contemporary Society". I realized after taking this class that my real interest was in women's studies, and along the lines of sexuality and gender, although I still have a special place in my heart for sociology! Women's and Gender studies convinced me that it was the program for me and my interest was in women, gender, and sexuality--and they were right!

What is your favorite course you have taken from Women's and Gender Studies?
My favorite course I have taken from the Women's and Gender Studies program was History of Sexuality: 19th and 20th Century America (aka WMNS 402) because I earned myself a boatload of knowledge throughout the class, Dr. Rose Holz knows exactly how to engage with her students and  material, and the material itself is THRILLING to read. I would recommend this class to any student at UNL!

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
Some of my strongest mentors and/or role models in the WGS program have been Dr. Rose Holz, my advisor, and Dr. Emily Kazyak, both of whom I serve on the WGS Advisory Board Committee with. These two doctors have inspired me to push myself, stay focused, and committed in my interest of women and gender studies. In addition to these two wonderful doctors as a source of mentorship, everyone in the WGS department is warm and welcoming and consist of people I look up to and respect. However, Dr. Holz has sincerely gone out of her way to stir up the feminist spirit within me in class and via email regarding class. I would never dream of having another major at UNL because of her, and largely credit her for my passionate interest in feminism, women's, and gender studies.

Do you have job/internship experience?
I had an internship with the International Association for Feminist Economics, and my major in Women's and Gender Studies was the theme that lead me there. As I was involved in this internship, I realized that all of my feminist knowledge that helped me in my internship was directly from and because of my major in WGS. Classes such as Feminist Theory (WMNS485) were integral in my internship, always leaning on that knowledge while posting for IAFFE on Twitter and Facebook, as well as making the newsletter each month. It set me up for success interacting with transnational feminists in a transnational feminist field! I could not have had the success I had as an intern for IAFFE without the help of the WGS department!

What are you involved in on campus?
I am a member of SAGE + SH and have volunteered at the Women's Center!

What are your plans after graduation?
My plans after graduation include first, some vacation time, and then second, a job search into a humanitarian-based field where I can directly apply my WGS knowledge to helping people who need it! In the classroom, or otherwise, I have decided my role in life is to be of service to those in need. Thank you WGS!