Meet Helen Duong

Photo Credit: Student Spotlight Helen Duong
Wed, 09/14/2022 - 10:09

Majors: Global Studies and Spanish

Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Favorite book
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

Favorite movie

Why Global Studies and Spanish?
I'm studying my majors because I've always been interested in learning about other cultures and exploring the world. I fell in love with Global Studies after taking GLST 201 -- Intro to Global Studies. I was fascinated by the diverse cultures and the unique politics and history of other countries. My biggest piece of advice for new majors would be to take a chance and take classes that interest you! I had no idea I would become a Global Studies major until I randomly decided to take a Global Studies class I was curious about.

Post-Graduation Plans
After graduation, I hope to attend PA school, but I'm also interested in global health and possibly completing a Master's in Public Health.

Study Abroad Experience
Last semester, I studied abroad in Valparaíso, Chile learning about politics, history, and community development. I had an absolute blast and learned so much about Chilean culture as well as improved my Spanish-speaking abilities. I would highly recommend studying abroad to every student, regardless of their major. It definitely allowed me to gain more confidence and independence, and I formed relationships that will last me a lifetime! I'm also involved in the University Program Council, which brings diverse and entertaining events to the UNL community. This organization has taught me how to effectively communicate and plan events.