Meet Megan Tyrcha

Photo Credit: Student Spotlight: Megan Tyrcha
Fri, 09/13/2024 - 11:56

Major: Political science
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Year in school: Freshman

Why did you select your major? 
I chose political science because I took a government class in high school
and really enjoyed it. I think it’s important for everyone to know a little
bit about government.

What is your favorite course you have taken from your program(s) and why?
My favorite course I have taken is probably political science 101. It is
pretty interesting. I am only a freshman so I haven’t gotten the chance to
take many courses yet.

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?
Some of my strongest role models here have been the girls in my sorority!
They are seriously the best people ever and they have been a great help
adjusting to the college life!

Did you/are you going to study abroad? 
I plan on studying abroad my junior or senior year! It is something I have
always wanted to do

What are you involved in on campus or in the community?
I am involved in Greek life! I am in Kappa Kappa Gamma and I love it! I plan
on trying to get a KKG skydiving event because I went skydiving this summer
for my 18th birthday and it was such an incredible experience!

What are your plans after graduation?
I’m not really sure what I want to do after graduation yet!