CAS of 2021: Lixin Cao

Photo Credit: Lixin Cao
Thu, 08/12/2021 - 15:39

Major: Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science
Hometown: Hangzhou, China

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?
The people in the state of Nebraska are so nice! The staff and faculty at Nebraska really do care about the students and their experiences. They want to see you succeed.

Transformational moment
Though at Nebraska as a study abroad student, I was also able to study abroad in England. It was always on my list of places to experience and I was able to achieve it!

Campus involvement
I am a member of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association. My story is unique as I came to the United States at 15. I attended Columbus High and then graduated from Concordia High School in Omaha. As a participant and winner in Math Day (an experience for high school students through the Math Department) I continued to stay involved in the area, working with faculty, and received additional scholarships.

Plans after graduation
Attending graduate school at the University of Southern California. My area of focus is computer science.

"After graduation, I am most looking forward to ___."
earning my graduate degree and continuing to live in the United States.

"The best thing about being a Husker is ___."
that Huskers help other Huskers through anything!