CAS of 2021: Guanhua Hao

Photo Credit: Guanhua Hao
Thu, 08/12/2021 - 15:23

Area of study: Physics (doctoral)
Hometown: Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?
It means a milestone in my life, and a wrap-up of 6 years of great memories!

Transformational moments
I quite enjoy about the opening festivals and Party at Union each year, from there I see the big welcome, diversity and happiness. I believe studying at UNL truly told me how to be friendly to this world, to whom you care, and to even someone you pass by on the road.


  • I joined Global of Friends of Japan during my first year here, met some great friends.
  • I was in the UNL Judo club for a semester, that was fun.
  • I participated in the Student Talent Showcase at Multicultural Center in the beginning of 2019, playing a Chinese music piece with my mom, had a lot of fun and she was warmly welcomed by audiences, indeed a sweet memory.
  • Fun fact, if you ever go to Starbucks at Union, you might see me all the time, on the wall!

Plans after graduation
I'm looking for jobs in industry as well as postdocs at National Labs. Ideally I would love to move to California, and the Bay Area.

"After graduation, I am most looking forward to __."
...earn a good life, and treat myself well.

"The best thing about being a Husker is __." smile to everyone.

Thank you message
I would love to give a big thank my Organic Chemistry teacher Chris McCune. I expressed my interests in chemistry to him, and he allowed me to audit in his O-chem class for 2 semesters, which really fulfilled my dream. Besides, he is an awesome instructor, I never missed a single class.