Alumni Spotlight: Molly Prochaska

Photo Credit: Alumni Spotlight: Molly Prochaska
Fri, 02/04/2022 - 15:20

Majors: Global studies, political science
Human rights and humanitarian affairs, and national security studies
Graduation date: May 2021

Favorite memories
I was an intern with the UNL Programs in English as a Second Language (PIESL), which was an amazing opportunity to work with international students. I was able to go with students to the Nebraska Innovation Studio and take students on trips to the Nebraska State Capitol building and art museums around Lincoln.

I really appreciated the structure of the global studies major. I took several classes in other disciplines that counted towards my degree, allowing me to explore other topics beyond my declared majors.

Yazidi Cultural Center intern, Intelligence Community Scholars, UNL Model United Nations, PIESL, Neihardt Residence Hall Philanthropy and Planning Committee Chair, Resident Assistant.

Since graduation
I am currently getting my first master's degree in global governance and diplomacy at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po. I have been able to attend amazing lectures, visit embassies, and work with so many people from different backgrounds.

In my free time, I love going to art galleries and concerts around Paris and going on day trips to different parts of France.

Next year, I will be moving to London to do another master's degree in international relations at the London School of Economics.

Advice for those who aren't quite sure what to do after they graduate
It is ok to take time to figure it out! This is especially true with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Take time for yourself, and make the decision that is best for you. If you are proactive and willing to commit, opportunities for education, work, and travel will always be present.

Additionally, remember that this field is very nebulous. It is not as common for someone to do the same job for their entire lives, and careers will need to adapt based on the conditions of the world. Find specific topics that you are passionate about rather than a single job.