Meet Grace Farson

Photo Credit: Grace Farson
Thu, 05/18/2023 - 14:54

Papillion, Nebraska

  • Academics: Mathematics with minors in physics, national security studies and political science
  • Involvement: Mortar Board, Intelligence Community Scholars, College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassador, Alpha Xi Delta, Honors Program

Graduating from Nebraska means...
graduating with a unique set of experiences and opportunities that diversify your perspective. It means graduating with a community of peers and professionals that challenged and supported you through your academic and professional endeavors.

Transformational moment
A transformational moment for me was being initiated into the National Senior Honors Society, Mortar Board. Shortly after initiation, I was elected president. Surrounding myself with leaders on campus who are driven academically and philanthropically allowed me to build life long connections while serving the local community.

After graduation, I am most looking forward to...
moving to Colorado to continue my education.

The best thing about being a Husker is...
graduating with a community of peers who value scholarship, leadership, and service.

Thank you
Dr. Tyler White, Thank you for not only supporting my education but also my career goals. I would not have the opportunities or experiences I have had throughout college without your mentorship and unyielding support. Because of you and the IC Scholars Program, I have found my passion for national security and mathematics.