In the national news, November 2016

Photo Credit: Newspapers
Mon, 12/05/2016 - 09:29

The election anxiety experiment generated multiple NPR reports featuring Kevin Smith, political science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Jeffrey French, neuroscience at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Reporters for “Only Human,” a health-related podcast produced by WNYC, initiated the project and reported upon it Nov. 3. It also was discussed Nov. 7 on “The Takeaway,” which airs on NPR stations nationwide. The United States of Anxiety podcast posted a Nov. 3 report and the Leonard Lopate Show, a weekday talk show on WNYC, featured it on Nov. 7.

A Nov. 8 article carried by The Guardian’s U.S. edition also reported on the experiment and Smith and French’s research.


John Hibbing, political science, was quoted in a Nov. 23 New York Timesreport on whether state and local officials could expect rewards if they had been early supporters of Donald Trump.


Matthew Jockers, English, was quoted in a Nov. 4 report by German international news provider Deutsche Well about his recently published book, “The Bestseller Code.” Jockers used a University of Nebraska computer cluster to analyze thousands of novels and detect patterns among which became bestsellers and which did not.