Meet Samantha Lunde

Photo Credit: Samantha Lunde
Tue, 07/02/2019 - 00:00

Samantha Lunde — 2015 graduate, licensed social worker, care manager, and psychotherapist at Rush University Medical Center

Major(s): Women's and gender studies, psychology

Minor(s): Criminal Justice

What sparked your interest in your areas of study?
I first enrolled in an WGS class to meet a requirement and appreciated the interdisciplinary collaborations in the department. My classes, classmates, and instructors challenged how I thought about the world and encouraged me to take an active role in social justice work.

What is the value of studying in the WGS department?
At such a large university, I had a hard time finding my place. In the WGS department, the smaller size led to more participation on my part and relationships that have lasted past graduation. I felt valued and not lost in a huge lecture hall.

How did you get to where you are now in your career and how did your education help?
After graduation, I completed my Master's in Social Work at the University of Chicago, with a concentration with older adults. At the medical center where I work, I provide care coordination and psychotherapy. I feel that WGS taught me how to learn, ask questions and listen; I feel that my critical thinking skills are honed so much more.

Also, WGS made me a better person. My worldview started changing with those classes and I feel much more compassionate to myself and others because of them.

Were there any other experiences from your time at UNL that helped you get to where you are now?

-The Women's Center
-Jan Deeds, Director of UNL's Women’s Center
-Professors Rose Holz and Emily Kazyak
-The LGBTQ+ Resource Center