NSE orientation leaders welcoming new Huskers

Photo Credit: New Student Enrollment orientation leaders
Tue, 06/14/2022 - 09:34

Prospective students become current students at New Student Enrollment running through July 8 this year. Shoutout to the CAS students sharing their experiences and getting new Huskers acclimated!

Emily Austin

Emily Austin


The Most Surprising Thing About UNL

Malia Bloemker

Malia Bloemker


Tips For Approaching a Faculty Member

Rachel Freeman

Rachel Freeman

Political Science

Resources I Sought Out On Campus And How it Helped

Santiago Giraldo

Santiago Giraldo

Computer Science

Getting Involved in Research

Aleksandra Glowik

Aleksandra Glowik

Political Science

Why I Chose UNL

Trenton Hammond

Trenton Hammond

Biological Sciences

The Most Surprising Thing About UNL

Anna Hoffman

Anna Hoffman

Film Studies

My On-Campus job at Love Library

Madison Maloney

Madison Maloney

Computer Science

Coming to UNL as an Out-of-State Student

Osvaldo Palma Vargas

Osvaldo Palma Vargas


My Major and Career Goals