We are pleased to announce the Teaching Academy Fellows for fall 2022: Anna Hiatt, Julia Reilly, and Shari Stenberg.
The initiative engages our faculty in local, national, and international conversations about essential issues in higher education; develops teaching expertise across the disciplines and at all levels of learning; and recognizes and rewards exceptional teachers. Fellows serve three-year terms, and new fellows are selected annually.
Anna Hiatt is an associate professor of practice in the School of Biological Sciences. She earned a College Distinguished Teaching Award last year and two Recognition Awards from the university's Parents Association for her impact on students.
Hiatt is principal investigator for a Successful Teaching with Affordable Resources (STAR) grant from the Center for Transformative Teaching to implement Open Educational Resources (OER) in the course LIFE 120.
Julia Reilly is an assistant professor of practice in the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. She is a faculty advisor with the Graduate Student Assembly, spearheaded the creation of the Human Rights Changemaker Internship Program, and received a Recognition Award from the Parents Association for her impact on students.
Reilly's interdisciplinary research focuses on the ways people respond to human rights violations and the ripple effects of those responses.
Shari Stenberg is Adele Hall Chair professor in the Department of English and director of the Women's and Gender Studies program. She has published four books and numerous articles. Her areas of specialization include writing and pedagogical development and socially-conscious pedagogies.
From Stenberg's personal teaching statement: "Whether I am working with first-year or graduate students, we collaboratively explore how our rhetorical practices can shape the classroom, our discipline, and our culture...My goal is not to simply share my own knowledge, but to facilitate others’ knowledge-making. I work with new and developing teachers to investigate the visions and ideals that shape our pedagogies, and to approach teaching, like writing, as always in process."